Research Projects
A Brief Behavioral Intervention for Co-Users of Marijuana (MJ) and Tobacco Among Smokers Calling State Quitlines
Kelly Carpenter, PhD Principal Investigator
Beatriz Carlini, PhD, MPH Co-Investigator
Status: current
A Matter of Equity People Living with Psychosis are Disproportionately Affected by Cannabis Adverse Events
Beatriz Carlini, PhD, MPH
Sharon Garrett, MPH, MA
Jason Williams, PhD
David Hammond, PhD Collaborator at the University of Waterloo, International Cannabis Policy Study PI
Status: current
A Multisite Study of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Effects of Inflammation and Endocrine Dysfunction in Adulthood
Susan A. Stoner Susan A. Stoner, PhD
Status: current
A Trial to Prevent Opioid Overdose: E.D. Based Intervention & Take-Home Naloxone
Caleb Banta-Green PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
ADATSA Integrated Outcome Database
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
ADATSA Treatment Outcome Evaluation
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Adolescent Substance Use and HIV Risk: Event Analysis
Barbara C. Leigh, PhD, MPH PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Alcohol Abuse in Urban Indian Adolescents and Women
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Alcohol and Acquaintance Assault Risk Perception
Jeanette Norris, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Alcohol and Condom Use Resistance in Sexually Coercive/Violent Men
Kelly Cue Davis, PhD PI (UW Social Work)
Jeanette Norris, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Alcohol and Condom Use: Different Levels of Measurement
Barbara C. Leigh, PhD, MPH PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Alcohol and Drug Epidemiology and Treatment Geographic Information Service
Joseph Kabel, PhD PI (Looking Glass Analytics, Inc.)
Status: completed
Alcohol and HIV/AIDS Risk-Taking
William H. George, PhD PI (UW Psychology)
Jeanette Norris, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Alcohol and Women’s Cognitive Mediation of HIV Risk Taking
Jeanette Norris, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Alcohol and Women’s Health Risk Reduction: An Innovative Experimental Approach
Tina M. Zawacki, PhD PI (Univ. of Texas)
Jeanette Norris, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Alcohol Effects on Cognitive and Affective Mediation of Women’s Decision-Making
Jeanette Norris, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Tina M. Zawacki, PhD Co-PI (University of Texas)
Status: completed
Alcohol Intervention in a Level-1 Trauma Center
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Alcohol Use and Decompression Sickness in Recreational Divers
Barbara C. Leigh, PhD, MPH PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Alcohol Use Trajectories and Prevention: A US – Sweden Comparison
Mary E. Larimer, PhD PI (UW Psychiatry)
Katie Witkiewitz, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Alcohol’s Influence on Women’s Cognitive Appraisals of Sexual Assault Risk and Subsequent Responses
Jeanette Norris, PhD
Status: completed
Assessing Engagement in Cannabis Policy: A Baseline Survey of Elected Officials Washington
Beatriz Carlini, PhD, MPH
Lyndsey Kellum, MEd
Ryan Witacre, PhD (collaborator at Public Health Institute, California)
Status: current
Attrition While Awaiting Drug Treatment
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
BASICS-ED: A Momentary Intervention for Concurrent Smoking and Heavy Drinking
Mary E. Larimer, PhD PI (UW Psychiatry)
Barbara C. Leigh, PhD, MPH Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Katie Witkiewitz, PhD Original PI/Co-PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Beliefs and Attitudes for Successful Implementation in Schools
Aaron Lyon, PhD PI (UW Psychiatry)
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Brain Maturation in Adults with FASD
Eileen M. Moore, PhD PI (San Diego State U)
Susan A. Stoner, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: current
Brief Intervention in Primary Care for Problem Drug Use and Abuse
Peter Roy-Byrne, MD PI (UW Psychiatry)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Brief Substance Abuse Treatment for Homeless Adolescents
John S. Baer, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Cannabis Adverse Events Among Medicaid Recipients in WA State
Beatriz Carlini, PhD, MPH
Sharon Garrett, MA, MPH
Jason Williams, PhD
Status: current
Cannabis Industry Rhetoric to Defeat Public Health-Oriented Regulations
Status: completed
Cannabis-Only Use in the USA: Prevalence, Demographics, Use Patterns, and Health Indicators
Beatriz Carlini, PhD, MPH
Gillian Schauer, PhD
Status: completed
CBPR with Tribal Colleges and Universities: Alcohol Problems and Solutions
Bonnie M. Duran, DrPH, MPH PI (UW School of Social Work)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Center for Neuroregulation in Alcohol Dependence (CeNiAD)
Andrew J. Saxon, MD PI (UW)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Member, Executive Committee (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Characterization of Cortical Neuronal Subtypes in Cocaine Self-Administration
Susan M. Ferguson, PhD
Status: current
Chemical Dependency Disposition Alternative
Megan Rutherford, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Chronic Pain Management and Marijuana Use: Science-Based Education in Times of Legalization
Bia Carlini, PhD, MPH PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Clinical Trials Consultation and Technical Assistance Program (C-TAP)
Mary Hatch, PhD Mary Hatch, Director
Status: current
Combining Medications and Behavioral Interventions for Alcoholism
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Community-Based Study of Gay Men, HIV, and Drugs
Michael E. Gorman, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Computer Adapted Standardized Patient for MI Skills Assessment – Phase I
John S. Baer, PhD PI (UW Psychiatry/UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Computer Modeling of Alcohol Services Research Data
Gary B. Cox, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Computerized Assistance for Treatment Professionals in Assessment of Sexual Risk
Donald A. Calsyn, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Bryan Hartzler Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Consumers’ Perspectives on the Function of Marijuana in Their Lives
Robin Harwick, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Bia Carlini, PhD, MPH Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Tatiana Masters, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Contingency Management Treatment of Alcohol Abuse American Indian People
Michael McDonell, PhD PI (WSU)
Debra Buchwald, MD PI (WSU)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Cultural Innovations for Recovery in Community-Based Learning Environments (CIRCLE)
Jaedon Avey, PhD Multiple PI (Southcentral Foundation)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Multiple PI (UW ADAI)
Status: current
Daily Event Analysis of Alcohol/Drug Use and Risky Sex
Mary L. Gillmore, PhD PI (UW School of Social Work)
Barbara C. Leigh, PhD, MPH Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Daily Self-Reports of Injection Drug Use and Risk
Barbara C. Leigh, PhD, MPH
Status: completed
Dave Purchase Project Needs Assessment
Status: current
Descriptive Study of TASC Felony Services in Washington State
Linda Brown, RN, PhD
Status: completed
Developing Overdose Prevention Programs for Washington State
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Developing Research Capacity and Culturally Appropriate Research Methods: Community-Integrating Behavioral Interventions in Substance Abuse Treatment
Bryan Hartzler, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Development and Characteristics of the Managed Care Mental Health Care System in North Sound Regional Support Network
Linda Brown, RN, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Development and Evaluation of Context-Tailored Training
John S. Baer, PhD PI (UW Psychiatry / UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Development and Library Staff Support for a Third-Space Telehealth Suite Toolkit
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Contract PI
Status: completed
Development of a County-Level Recovery-Oriented System of Care for Behavioral Health
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Contract Principal Investigator
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Contract Principal Investigator
Status: completed
Disseminating Organizational SBI Services (DO-SBIS) at Trauma Centers
Douglas F. Zatzick, MD PI (UW Psychiatry)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Distinguishing Characteristics of High-BAC DWI Offenders
Brent L. Baxter, PhD
Status: completed
Domestic Violence among Pregnant Substance Abusers
Jeanette Norris, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Drinking Trajectories after Behavior Intervention: Assessing Mechanisms of Change
Katie Witkiewitz, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Drug Abuse Epidemiology Reporting Project
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)
Jason R. Williams, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: current
Drug Helplines and Adult Marijuana Users: Assessment in Washington, Colorado, Oregon, and Alaska
Bia Carlini, PhD, MPH PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Drugged Driving Information Service
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW
Status: completed
Effectiveness of Safe Needle Disposal Programs for Injection Drug Users: A Spatial and Temporal Analysis
Anne Vernez Moudon, Dr. es Sc. PI (UW Urban Design & Planning, Architecture)
Barbara C. Leigh, PhD, MPH Co-PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Empathy Lens: Humanizing Images & Education for Harm Reduction
Meg Brunner, MLIS Project Lead
Erinn McGraw, BFA Project Co-Lead
Susan Ferguson, PhD Project Mentor
Status: current
Enhancing Recall of Sexual and Drug Injection Partners
Devon D. Brewer, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Evaluation of a Public Health Law to Support Intervening in Drug Overdose
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)
Patricia C. Kuszler, MD, JD Co-PI (UW Medicine)
Phillip Coffin, MD, MIA Co-Investigator (UCSF)
Status: completed
Evaluation of the Adolescent Treatment Enhancement Project
Megan Rutherford, PhD
Status: completed
Evaluation Plan for Adolescent Detox
Peggy L. Peterson, PhD, MPH PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Event-Level Analysis of Expectancies, Alcohol Use, and Consequences
Christine Lee, PhD PI (UW Psychiatry)
Barbara C. Leigh, PhD, MPH Co-PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Exploring the Potential of “Budtenders” as Harm Reduction Agents: A Study among Cannabis Retail Workers in Washington State
Bia Carlini, PhD, MPH PI (UW ADAI)
Sharon Garrett, MPH Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Caislin Firth, PhD
Robin Harwick, PhD
Status: completed
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Adults: Health and Neurobehavior
Therese M. Grant, PhD Multiple PI (UW ADAI)
Claire D. Coles, PhD Multiple PI (Emory University)
Status: completed
Helping Individuals with Firearm Injuries: A Cluster Randomized Trial
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, MD, MPH, PhD PI (UW Epidemiology, UW Pediatrics)
Status: completed
Histories of Fatal-Collision Drinking-Drivers: Patterns Among Adults and Youth
Brent L. Baxter, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
HIV, Drugs, and Sexual Risk in DUMSMs: A Community Study
Michael E. Gorman, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
HIV, Hepatitis, STD and Reproductive Health Risk Behaviors among Female Seattle Methamphetamine Users
Michael E. Gorman, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Trial of a School-Based Teen Marijuana Checkup
Denise D. Walker, PhD Multiple PI (UW School of Social Work)
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Multiple PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Impacts of Cannabis & Cannabis Legalization on Impaired Driving in WA State
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, MD, MPH, PhD Co-PI (UW School of Public Health)
Beth E. Ebel, MD, MSc, MPH Co-Investigator (UW School of Public Health)
Status: completed
Implementation Survey of PrEP and Opioid Use Related Services in STI Clinics and MSM-Centered Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Mary Hatch-Maillette, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Tanja Laschober, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Implementing Contingency Management in a Supportive Housing Context to Promote Resident Well-Being
Bryan Hartzler Principal Investigator
Alanna Feltner Co-investigator
Callan Fockele, MD Co-investigator
Sarah Leyde, MD Co-investigator
Status: current
Implementing Contingency Management in Opioid Treatment Centers across New England: A Hybrid Type 3 Trial
Sara Becker, PhD Multiple PI (Brown)
Bryan R. Garner, PhD Multiple PI (RTI International)
Status: completed
Implementing Contingency Management in Oregon-based Health Settings to Address Stimulant Misuse
John McIlveen, PhD, LMHC PI (Oregon Health Authority)
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Sub-award PI (UW ADAI)
Status: current
Implicit Cognition and HIV Risk Behavior in Drug Users
Barbara C. Leigh, PhD, MPH
Status: completed
Improving Interactions between Law Enforcement and People Who Use Alcohol and Drugs
Mandy Owens, PhD Principal Investigator
Jenna van Draanen, PhD Co-Investigator
Status: current
Increasing Post-Discharge Follow-up Among Hospitalized Smokers
Kimber P. Richter, PhD, MPH PI (Univ. Kansas)
Bia Carlini, PhD, MPH Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Informing Dissemination of Behavior Therapies to Enhance HIV Care Among Substance Abusers
Bryan Hartzler, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Integrating Behavioral Interventions in Substance Abuse Treatment
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Principal Investigator
Status: completed
Integrating Tobacco Cessation Interventions in the Routine of Care of a Rehabilitation Hospital Serving a Rural Population in Washington State
Bia Carlini, PhD, MPH PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Interventions to Improve the HIV PrEP Cascade among Methamphetamine Users
Joanne D. Stekler, MD, MPH PI (UW Public Health)
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Interviewer Factors in the Elicitation of HIV Risk Networks
Devon D. Brewer, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Jail Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) Training and Technical Assistance
Mandy Owens, PhD
Status: current
King County Opioid Treatment Access Program (KCOTAP)
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Long-Term Opioid Management of Chronic Pain: Trends and Risks
Michael Von Korff, ScD PI (Group Health)
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Marijuana Use Among High-Risk Mothers in Washington State
Therese M. Grant, PhD
Status: completed
Matching Patients to Alcoholism Treatments: Seattle CRU
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD
Status: completed
Maximizing the Patient-counselor Relationship to Reduce Sexual Risk Behavior [Being Safe in Treatment (BEST)]
Mary Hatch-Maillette, PhD Mulitiple PI (UW ADAI)
Elizabeth Wells, PhD Multiple PI (UW Social Work)
Status: completed
Medical Cannabis in HIV-positive Substance Users
Howard Newville, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Medication-First Delivery for High-Acuity Opioid Use Disorder Populations
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Methadone Maintenance in Primary Care
Joseph O. Merrill, MD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented Therapy for Women’s Substance Abuse Treatment: A Feasibility Study
Cynthia Price, PhD PI (UW School of Nursing)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD
Status: completed
Model State-Supported Area Health Education Center Program
John McCarthy, MD Principal Investigator
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Subcontract Principal Investigator
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Subcontract Principal Investigator
Status: completed
Modeling Individual Heterogeneity in the Alcohol Relapse Process
Katie Witkiewitz, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Motivational Enhancement to Reduce Risk of Street Youth
Peggy L. Peterson, PhD, MPH PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Multi-State Examination of Cannabis Use Disorder Rates in HIV Care
Bryan Hartzler, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Native Center for Alcohol Research and Education (NCARE)
Dedra Buchwald, MD PI (WSU)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: current
Native Healing and Wellness Conference
Lisa Rey Thomas, PhD PI, UW ADAI
Status: completed
Native Pathways to Sobriety: Pacific Northwest Oral Life Histories
Lisa Rey Thomas, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Navigating Our Strengths and Needs: A Community Assessment Project for the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe
Sandra M. Radin, PhD
Status: completed
Neuronal Mediation of Ethanol-Induced Taste Aversions
Todd E. Thiele, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
NIDA Clinical Trials Network (CTN), Pacific Northwest Node
Mary Hatch-Maillette, PhD Co-PI (UW ADAI)
John Roll, PhD Co-PI (WSU)
Status: current
NIDA CTN-0015: Women’s Treatment for Trauma and Substance Use Disorders
Denise Hien, PhD Lead Investigator (Saint Luke's Roosevelt Hospital Center"
Status: completed
NIDA CTN-0018: Reducing HIV/STD Risk Behaviors: A Research Study for Men in Drug Abuse Treatment
Donald A. Calsyn, PhD Lead Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
NIDA CTN-0019: Reducing HIV/STD Risk Behaviors: A Research Study for Women in Drug Abuse Treatment
Susan Tross, PhD Lead Investigator (NY State Psychiatric Inst.)
Status: completed
NIDA CTN-0027: Starting Treatment with Agonist Replacement Therapies (START)
Walter Ling, PhD Lead Investigator (UCLA)
Status: completed
NIDA CTN-0030: Prescription Opiate Abuse Treatment Study (POATS)
Roger Weiss, MD Co-Lead Investigator (Harvard Medical School)
Walter Ling, MD Co-Lead Investigator (UCLA)
Status: completed
NIDA CTN-0031: Stimulant Abuser Groups to Engage in 12-Step (STAGE-12): Evaluation of a Combined Individual-Group Intervention to Reduce Stimulant and Other Drug Use by Increasing 12-Step Involvement
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Co-Lead Investigator (UW ADAI)
Dennis Daley, PhD Co-Lead Investigator (Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic)
Status: completed
NIDA CTN-0044: Web-Delivery of Evidence-Based, Psychosocial Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Edward V. Nunes, MD Lead Investigator (Columbia University)
Status: completed
NIDA CTN-0047: Screening Motivational Assessment and Referral to Treatment in Emergency Departments (SMART-ED): Evaluation of Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) and Booster Session for Drug Use Patients Presenting for Treatment in the Emergency Department
Michael Bogenschutz, MD Co-Lead Investigator (UNM CASAA)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Co-Lead Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
NIDA CTN-0048: Cocaine Use Reduction with Buprenorphine (CURB)
Walter Ling, MD Lead Investigator (UCLA)
Andrew Saxon, MD Co-Lead Investigator (VA Puget Sound)
Larissa Mooney, MD Co-Lead Investigator (UCLA)
Status: completed
NIDA CTN-0050: Long-Term Follow-Up of START Patients
Yih-Ing Hser, PhD Co-Lead Investigator (UCLA)
Walter Ling, MD Co-Lead Investigator (UCLA)
Status: completed
NIDA CTN-0051: Extended-Release Naltrexone vs. Buprenorphine for Opioid Treatment (X:BOT)
John Rotrosen, MD Lead Investigator (NYU)
Status: completed
NIDA CTN-0069: Opioid Use Disorder in the Emergency Department (Project ED Health)
Gail D'Onofrio, MD, MS PI (Yale University)
David Fiellin, MD Co-Investigator (Yale University)
Status: completed
NIDA CTN-0078: Knowledge of and Attitudes about Medication Assisted Treatment within American Indian Communities
Sandra M. Radin PI (UW ADAI)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Dennis Wendt, PhD Co-Investigator (McGill)
Status: completed
NIDA CTN-0080: Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Expectant Mothers (MOMs): A Pragmatic Randomized Trial Comparing Two Buprenorphine Formulations
T. John Winhusen, PhD Lead Investigator (University of Cincinnati)
Status: completed
NIDA CTN-0082: Implementation Survey of PrEP and Opioid Use Related Services in STI Clinics and MSM-Centered Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Susan Tross, PhD, Columbia University
Mary Hatch, PhD, UW Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute
Status: completed
NIDA CTN-0099: Emergency Department-INitiated bupreNOrphine and VAlidaTIOn Network Trial (ED-INNOVATION)
Gail D'Onofrio, MD, MS PI (Yale University)
David Fiellin, MD Co-Investigator (Yale University)
Status: completed
NIDA CTN-0131: Office-Based Methadone versus Buprenorphine to Address Retention in Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)– A Pragmatic Hybrid Effectiveness/Implementation Trial
David Fiellin, MD Lead Investigator (Yale University)
Status: current
Northwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Co-Director (UW ADAI)
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Co-Director
Status: current
NW High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Court Evaluation
Gary B. Cox, PhD
Status: completed
Opioid Response Network/STR-TA
Bryan Hartzler, PhD (UW ADAI/Northwest ATTC)
Denna Vandersloot, MEd
Status: completed
Opioid State Targeted Response – Technical Assistance For HHS Region 10
Kathryn Cates-Wessel Principal Investigator
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Subcontract Principal Investigator
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Subcontract Principal Investigator
Status: completed
Oregon State Opioid Response
John W. McIlveen, Ph.D., LMHC Principal Investigator
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Subaward Principal Investigator
Status: completed
Outcome Analyses of Persons in Chemical Dependency Treatment
Brent L. Baxter, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Parent-Child Assistance Program: Intervention for At-Risk Substance Use During Pregnancy
Susan A. Stoner, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: current
Peer Engagement in Methamphetamine Harm Reduction with Contingency Management
Todd Korthuis, MD, MPH PI (OHSU)
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: current
Pierce County Opiate Epidemiology and Treatment Needs
Status: completed
Prescription Drug Overdose Prevention for States
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Prescription Opioid Misuse in a Large HMO
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)
Donald Calsyn, PhD Original PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Preventing Addiction Related Suicide
Richard K. Ries, MD PI (UW Psychiatry)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Promoting Healthy Families and Relationships: Exploring Domestic Violence and Tribal Community Culture to Inform Best Practices
Sandra M. Radin, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Teresa C. Evans-Campbell, PhD Co-Investigator (UW School of Social Work)
Status: completed
Promoting Healthy Families for High Risk Mothers and Babies in PCAP
Nancy Grote, PhD PI (UW School of Social Work)
Therese M. Grant, PhD Consultant (UW ADAI)
Status: current
Promoting Healthy Families: A Mental Health Treatment and Intensive Case Management Task-Sharing Approach
Susan A. Stoner, PhD UW ADAI
Amritha Bhat, MBBS, MD, MPH UW Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Status: current
Psychology Training in Alcohol Research
Mary E. Larimer, PhD PI (UW)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Primary Faculty Member, Mentor (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Quantitative Drug Surveillance System Development
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)
Jennifer A. Field, PhD Co-Investigator (Oregon State University)
Status: completed
Recovery Café Evaluation
Mandy Owens, PhD Principal Investigator
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW Principal Investigator
Status: completed
Reporting THC Content in Cannabis Products in Legal Markets: An international Multidisciplinary Delphi Consensus Study
Valentina Lorenzetti, PhD Principal Investigator, Australian Catholic University
Beatriz Carlini, PhD, MPH Steering Committee Member
Status: current
Risk-Taking Behaviors and Cryptocurrency Trading (REACT) in Young Adults
Caislin Firth, PhD, MPH
Status: current
Role of Neuropeptide Y in Ethanol Consumption
Todd E. Thiele, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
SBIRT Learning Collaborative for Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Plan-Funded Emergency Department Providers
Bryan Hartzler Contract PI
Denna Vandersloot Contract PI
Status: completed
Smokefree Hospitals Initiative
Abigail Halperin, MD, MPH PI (UW Family Medicine)
Bia Carlini, PhD, MPH Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Snohomish County Drug Court Implementation Grant Evaluation
Megan Rutherford, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
State Opioid Response Technical Assistance
Kathryn Cates-Wessel Principal Investigator
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Subcontract Principal Investigator
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Subcontract Principal Investigator
Status: completed
State Opioid Response/Tribal Opioid Response Technical Assistance
Kathryn Cates-Wessel PI (AAAP)
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Subcontact PI (UW ADAI)
Status: current
Substance Abuse Prevention in the Elderly: Review of the Literature
Katherine A. Carlson, PhD
Status: completed
Substance Use and HIV Clinic Care
Status: completed
Substance Use and Predictors of Risk Behavior
Barbara C. Leigh, PhD, MPH PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Tailoring “Real Men Are Safe” for African American and Hispanic Men
Donald A. Calsyn, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Technology-Enhanced Quitline Services to Prevent Smoking Relapse
Anna M. McDaniel, PhD, RN, FAAN PI (Univ. Indianapolis)
Bia Carlini, PhD, MPH Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Katie Witkiewitz, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
The Healing of the Canoe
Dennis M. Donovan PI (UW ADAI)
Lisa Rey Thomas, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
The Intersection Between Food Hardship and Cannabis Use Among Youth
Beatriz Carlini, PhD, MPH
Robin Harwick, PhD
Jason Williams, PhD
Status: completed
Toolkit for Enhancing Client Retention in Substance Abuse Treatment
Sandra M. Radin, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Toxicology Lab Data Epidemiology
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Training and Intensive Technical Assistance in Motivational Interviewing
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Principal Investigator
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Principal Investigator
Status: completed
Training and Intensive Technical Assistance in Motivational Interviewing for Behavioral Health and Medical Providers
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Principal Investigator
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Principal Investigator
Status: completed
Training and Technical Assistance for Behavioral Health Providers in Washington State
Bryan Hartzler Contract PI
Denna Vandersloot Contract PI
Status: completed
Training for Behavioral Health Providers Addressing People with Substance Use Disorders in Washington State
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Principal Investigator
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Principal Investigator
Status: completed
Training Primary Care Professionals in Motivational Interviewing
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Principal Investigator
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Principal Investigator
Status: completed
Training-of-Trainers Process for Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Principal Investigator
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Principal Investigator
Status: completed
Training, Technical Assistance, and Leadership Services to Support Workforce Development Initiatives
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Principal Investigator
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Principal Investigator
Status: completed
Treatment of At-Risk Drinkers in Primary Care
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD
Status: completed
Treatment Outcomes of DASA Clients
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
University of Washington Center of Excellence in Opioid Addiction Research
Susan M. Ferguson, PhD
Status: current
Using Data to Drive Action to Reduce Opioid Overdoses in Seattle, WA
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW Principle Investigator (UW ADAI)
Julia Hood, PhD Co-Investigator (Public Health — Seattle & King County)
Status: current
Using Narratives to Identify Stigma Phenotypes – A Socio-Ecological Approach
Beatriz Carlini Beatriz Carlini, PhD, MPH
Status: current
Using Policy Codesign to Achieve Multi-Sector Alignment in Adolescent Behavioral Health
Sarah Cusworth Walker, PhD PI
Status: current
WA State Syringe Service Program Health Survey
Status: current
WA-STR Addresses the Opiate Epidemic by Increasing Treatment and Prevention Activities
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Washington State Innovation Initiative: Medication Assisted Treatment Upon Release from Prison
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MSW, MPH PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Washington State Opioid Response (SOR) Grant
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW
Status: current
Washington State Project to Prevent Prescription Drug/Opioid Overdose (WA-PDO)
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW PI of Subaward from DBHR (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Washington Tribes and RAIO Health Priorities Summit
Lisa Rey Thomas, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Wastewater-Based Epidemiology of Drug Use
Status: current
Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention with Community College Students
Scott McIntosh, PhD PI (Univ. of Rochester)
Bia Carlini, PhD, MPH Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Web-Based Skills Training: SBIRT-PC
Susan A. Stoner, PhD PI (Talaria, Inc./UW ADAI)
Bia Carlini, PhD, MPH Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Kelly M. Carpenter, PhD Co-PI
Status: completed
Welcome Back: Evaluating Strategies to Re-Engage Smokers in Quitline Cessation Services
Bia Carlini, PhD, MPH PI (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Women’s HIV Risk: Alcohol Intoxication, Victimization History, & Partner Factors
William H. George, PhD PI (UW Psychology)
Jeanette Norris, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Status: completed
Youth and Young Adult SUD and COD Trainings
Bryan Hartzler Principal Investigator
Status: current
Youth Clinician Training
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Principal Investigator
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Principal Investigator
Status: completed