Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute

Research Projects

ADATSA Integrated Outcome Database

Dennis M. Donovan, PhD PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

ADATSA Treatment Outcome Evaluation

Dennis M. Donovan, PhD PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Alcohol and Acquaintance Assault Risk Perception

Jeanette Norris, PhD PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Alcohol and Condom Use Resistance in Sexually Coercive/Violent Men

Kelly Cue Davis, PhD PI (UW Social Work)
Jeanette Norris, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Alcohol and Drug Epidemiology and Treatment Geographic Information Service

Joseph Kabel, PhD PI (Looking Glass Analytics, Inc.)

Status: completed

Alcohol and HIV/AIDS Risk-Taking

William H. George, PhD PI (UW Psychology)
Jeanette Norris, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Alcohol and Women’s Health Risk Reduction: An Innovative Experimental Approach

Tina M. Zawacki, PhD PI (Univ. of Texas)
Jeanette Norris, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Alcohol Intervention in a Level-1 Trauma Center

Dennis M. Donovan, PhD PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Alcohol Use Trajectories and Prevention: A US – Sweden Comparison

Mary E. Larimer, PhD PI (UW Psychiatry)
Katie Witkiewitz, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Attrition While Awaiting Drug Treatment

Dennis M. Donovan, PhD PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

BASICS-ED: A Momentary Intervention for Concurrent Smoking and Heavy Drinking

Mary E. Larimer, PhD PI (UW Psychiatry)
Barbara C. Leigh, PhD, MPH Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Katie Witkiewitz, PhD Original PI/Co-PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Becca Bill Evaluation

Peggy L. Peterson, PhD, MPH

Status: completed

Beliefs and Attitudes for Successful Implementation in Schools

Aaron Lyon, PhD PI (UW Psychiatry)
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Brain Maturation in Adults with FASD

Eileen M. Moore, PhD PI (San Diego State U)
Susan A. Stoner, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: current

Brief Intervention in Primary Care for Problem Drug Use and Abuse

Peter Roy-Byrne, MD PI (UW Psychiatry)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Brief Substance Abuse Treatment for Homeless Adolescents

John S. Baer, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

CBPR with Tribal Colleges and Universities: Alcohol Problems and Solutions

Bonnie M. Duran, DrPH, MPH PI (UW School of Social Work)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Center for Neuroregulation in Alcohol Dependence (CeNiAD)

Andrew J. Saxon, MD PI (UW)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Member, Executive Committee (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Chemical Dependency Disposition Alternative

Megan Rutherford, PhD PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Co-Occurring Disorders

Gary B. Cox, PhD PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Computer Modeling of Alcohol Services Research Data

Gary B. Cox, PhD PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Consumers’ Perspectives on the Function of Marijuana in Their Lives

Robin Harwick, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Bia Carlini, PhD, MPH Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Tatiana Masters, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Cultural Innovations for Recovery in Community-Based Learning Environments (CIRCLE)

Jaedon Avey, PhD Multiple PI (Southcentral Foundation)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Multiple PI (UW ADAI)

Status: current

Daily Event Analysis of Alcohol/Drug Use and Risky Sex

Mary L. Gillmore, PhD PI (UW School of Social Work)
Barbara C. Leigh, PhD, MPH Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Development and Evaluation of Context-Tailored Training

John S. Baer, PhD PI (UW Psychiatry / UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Development of a County-Level Recovery-Oriented System of Care for Behavioral Health

Bryan Hartzler, PhD Contract Principal Investigator
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Contract Principal Investigator

Status: completed

Disseminating Organizational SBI Services (DO-SBIS) at Trauma Centers

Douglas F. Zatzick, MD PI (UW Psychiatry)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Driver Improvement Study

Dennis M. Donovan, PhD PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Drug Abuse Epidemiology Reporting Project

Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)
Jason R. Williams, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: current

Empathy Lens: Humanizing Images & Education for Harm Reduction

Meg Brunner, MLIS Project Lead
Erinn McGraw, BFA Project Co-Lead
Susan Ferguson, PhD Project Mentor

Status: current

Evaluation Plan for Adolescent Detox

Peggy L. Peterson, PhD, MPH PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Adults: Health and Neurobehavior

Therese M. Grant, PhD Multiple PI (UW ADAI)
Claire D. Coles, PhD Multiple PI (Emory University)

Status: completed

Helping Individuals with Firearm Injuries: A Cluster Randomized Trial

Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, MD, MPH, PhD PI (UW Epidemiology, UW Pediatrics)

Status: completed

Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Trial of a School-Based Teen Marijuana Checkup

Denise D. Walker, PhD Multiple PI (UW School of Social Work)
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Multiple PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Impacts of Cannabis & Cannabis Legalization on Impaired Driving in WA State

Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, MD, MPH, PhD Co-PI (UW School of Public Health)
Beth E. Ebel, MD, MSc, MPH Co-Investigator (UW School of Public Health)

Status: completed

Increasing Post-Discharge Follow-up Among Hospitalized Smokers

Kimber P. Richter, PhD, MPH PI (Univ. Kansas)
Bia Carlini, PhD, MPH Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Integrating Behavioral Interventions in Substance Abuse Treatment

Bryan Hartzler, PhD Principal Investigator

Status: completed

Kitsap Outcome Evaluation

Megan Rutherford, PhD PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Long-Term Opioid Management of Chronic Pain: Trends and Risks

Michael Von Korff, ScD PI (Group Health)
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Medical Cannabis in HIV-positive Substance Users

Howard Newville, PhD PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Methadone Maintenance in Primary Care

Joseph O. Merrill, MD PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Model State-Supported Area Health Education Center Program

John McCarthy, MD Principal Investigator
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Subcontract Principal Investigator
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Subcontract Principal Investigator

Status: completed

Modeling Individual Heterogeneity in the Alcohol Relapse Process

Katie Witkiewitz, PhD PI (UW ADAI)
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Native Center for Alcohol Research and Education (NCARE)

Dedra Buchwald, MD PI (WSU)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: current

Native Healing and Wellness Conference

Lisa Rey Thomas, PhD PI, UW ADAI

Status: completed

NIDA CTN-0015: Women’s Treatment for Trauma and Substance Use Disorders

Denise Hien, PhD Lead Investigator (Saint Luke's Roosevelt Hospital Center"

Status: completed

NIDA CTN-0019: Reducing HIV/STD Risk Behaviors: A Research Study for Women in Drug Abuse Treatment

Susan Tross, PhD Lead Investigator (NY State Psychiatric Inst.)

Status: completed

NIDA CTN-0030: Prescription Opiate Abuse Treatment Study (POATS)

Roger Weiss, MD Co-Lead Investigator (Harvard Medical School)
Walter Ling, MD Co-Lead Investigator (UCLA)

Status: completed

NIDA CTN-0048: Cocaine Use Reduction with Buprenorphine (CURB)

Walter Ling, MD Lead Investigator (UCLA)
Andrew Saxon, MD Co-Lead Investigator (VA Puget Sound)
Larissa Mooney, MD Co-Lead Investigator (UCLA)

Status: completed

NIDA CTN-0050: Long-Term Follow-Up of START Patients

Yih-Ing Hser, PhD Co-Lead Investigator (UCLA)
Walter Ling, MD Co-Lead Investigator (UCLA)

Status: completed

NIDA CTN-0069: Opioid Use Disorder in the Emergency Department (Project ED Health)

Gail D'Onofrio, MD, MS PI (Yale University)
David Fiellin, MD Co-Investigator (Yale University)

Status: completed

NIDA CTN-0082: Implementation Survey of PrEP and Opioid Use Related Services in STI Clinics and MSM-Centered Community Based Organizations (CBOs)

Susan Tross, PhD, Columbia University
Mary Hatch, PhD, UW Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute

Status: completed

Northwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center

Bryan Hartzler, PhD Co-Director (UW ADAI)
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Co-Director

Status: current

Opioid Response Network/STR-TA

Bryan Hartzler, PhD (UW ADAI/Northwest ATTC)
Denna Vandersloot, MEd

Status: completed

Opioid State Targeted Response – Technical Assistance For HHS Region 10

Kathryn Cates-Wessel Principal Investigator
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Subcontract Principal Investigator
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Subcontract Principal Investigator

Status: completed

Oregon State Opioid Response

John W. McIlveen, Ph.D., LMHC Principal Investigator
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Subaward Principal Investigator

Status: completed

Pioneer Center North Evaluation

Gary B. Cox, PhD

Status: completed

Prescription Opioid Misuse in a Large HMO

Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)
Donald Calsyn, PhD Original PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Preventing Addiction Related Suicide

Richard K. Ries, MD PI (UW Psychiatry)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Promoting Healthy Families for High Risk Mothers and Babies in PCAP

Nancy Grote, PhD PI (UW School of Social Work)
Therese M. Grant, PhD Consultant (UW ADAI)

Status: current

Psychology Training in Alcohol Research

Mary E. Larimer, PhD PI (UW)
Dennis M. Donovan, PhD Primary Faculty Member, Mentor (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Quantitative Drug Surveillance System Development

Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)
Jennifer A. Field, PhD Co-Investigator (Oregon State University)

Status: completed

Recovery Café Evaluation

Mandy Owens, PhD Principal Investigator
Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW Principal Investigator

Status: completed

Reporting THC Content in Cannabis Products in Legal Markets: An international Multidisciplinary Delphi Consensus Study 

Valentina Lorenzetti, PhD Principal Investigator, Australian Catholic University
Beatriz Carlini, PhD, MPH Steering Committee Member

Status: current

Road Rage

Dennis M. Donovan, PhD PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Role of Neuropeptide Y in Ethanol Consumption

Todd E. Thiele, PhD PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Smokefree Hospitals Initiative

Abigail Halperin, MD, MPH PI (UW Family Medicine)
Bia Carlini, PhD, MPH Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

SSI Battelle

Gary B. Cox, PhD PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

SSI Project Evaluation

Gary B. Cox, PhD PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

State Opioid Response Technical Assistance

Kathryn Cates-Wessel Principal Investigator
Bryan Hartzler, PhD Subcontract Principal Investigator
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Subcontract Principal Investigator

Status: completed

Substance Use and HIV Risk

Barbara C. Leigh, PhD, MPH PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Technology-Enhanced Quitline Services to Prevent Smoking Relapse

Anna M. McDaniel, PhD, RN, FAAN PI (Univ. Indianapolis)
Bia Carlini, PhD, MPH Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Katie Witkiewitz, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

The Healing of the Canoe

Dennis M. Donovan PI (UW ADAI)
Lisa Rey Thomas, PhD Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Toxicology Lab Data Epidemiology

Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Training and Intensive Technical Assistance in Motivational Interviewing

Bryan Hartzler, PhD Principal Investigator
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Principal Investigator

Status: completed

Training Primary Care Professionals in Motivational Interviewing

Bryan Hartzler, PhD Principal Investigator
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Principal Investigator

Status: completed

Treatment Outcomes of DASA Clients

Dennis M. Donovan, PhD PI (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Using Data to Drive Action to Reduce Opioid Overdoses in Seattle, WA

Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW Principle Investigator (UW ADAI)
Julia Hood, PhD Co-Investigator (Public Health — Seattle & King County)

Status: current

Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention with Community College Students

Scott McIntosh, PhD PI (Univ. of Rochester)
Bia Carlini, PhD, MPH Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)

Status: completed

Web-Based Skills Training: SBIRT-PC

Susan A. Stoner, PhD PI (Talaria, Inc./UW ADAI)
Bia Carlini, PhD, MPH Co-Investigator (UW ADAI)
Kelly M. Carpenter, PhD Co-PI

Status: completed

Youth and Young Adult SUD and COD Trainings

Bryan Hartzler Principal Investigator

Status: current

Youth Clinician Training

Bryan Hartzler, PhD Principal Investigator
Denna Vandersloot, MEd Principal Investigator

Status: completed