Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute

Front Page

March 30, 2022

New ADAI Research: Cannabis Store Location and Advertising Influences Use by Oregon Youth

Cannabis store sidewalk sign with image of leaf and word OPEN

This new paper in Health and Place, led by Caislin Firth and in collaboration with the Oregon Health Authority, looks at the impact of retail cannabis store location and exposure to cannabis advertising on youth cannabis use. The project was partially funded by the National Institutes of Drug Abuse awarded to co-author Julia Dilley and the Horowitz Foundation…

March 21, 2022

Job Posting: Research Study Coordinator 1 (Harborview Medical Center)

Colored blocks spelling out JOBS

The Department of Emergency Medicine at Harborview Medical Center has a full-time opportunity for a Research Study Coordinator 1 (RSC1). This position is a unique opportunity for individuals interested in the medical sciences to gain experience in the field of Emergency Medicine. This individual will lead in the on-site administration of a NIDA-funded multi-site study investigating opioid…

March 10, 2022

New at ADAI: the Center for Advancing Addiction Health Services (CAAHS)

New at ADAI: Center for Advancing Addiction Health Services

Bryan Hartzler, PhD, and Denna Vandersloot, MEd, have launched a new center at ADAI: the Center for Advancing Addiction Health Services (CAAHS). Spanning a science-to-service continuum, CAAHS works to increase adoption and implementation of useful treatment and recovery practices by health organizations that serve people with substance use disorders. Dr. Hartzler and Ms. Vandersloot offer…

March 8, 2022

Results from the 2021 WA State Syringe Service Program Health Survey

Title of report with map showing location of survey respondents

The biennial WA State Syringe Service Program Health Survey is the state’s primary source of data on the substance use patterns, health behaviors, and health care needs of people who use drugs and utilize syringe service programs (SSPs). The University of Washington’s Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute (ADAI) conducts the survey in collaboration with Public…

February 28, 2022

Webinar: Implications of Cannabis Legalization for Quitlines (March 2, 11am)

Image of a phone with text above repeating the details of the event

March 2, 2022 | 11:00am-12:30pm PT In this webinar from the North American Quitline Consortium, ADAI Research Scientists Beatriz Carlini, PhD, MPH and Gillian Schauer, PhD, MPH, along with Michael Tynan from the CDC, will discuss the implications of cannabis legalization for quitlines. A panel of presenters will share an overview of the current cannabis…

February 24, 2022

Webinar: When MOUD Doesn’t Go According to Plan (March 9, 12pm)

Hands typing on laptop with word WEBINAR across top

When making plans with patients to start or stay on Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) sometimes the plan comes together perfectly and other times it doesn’t. Join Addy Adwell BSN, RN and Mark Duncan, MD on March 9, 2022 (12-1pm PT) for a webinar focused on the not-according-to-plan times in our work with special…

February 16, 2022

New from ADAI/FADU: Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Mental Health at Midlife

Illustration of pregnant woman with text Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Mental Health at Midlife

The effects of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) have been studied a lot, with a particular focus on physical birth defects and neurocognitive development. Much less studied has been an association between PAE and mental health disorders, especially for adults with both PAE and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). Though some research has found a connection…

February 15, 2022

Apply for an ADAI Small Grant!

blocks spelling out word GRANTS

The Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute (ADAI) works to stimulate and facilitate UW research on alcohol and drug use and addiction through its Small Grants Program, which awards funds to UW researchers (faculty and research scientists or mentored pre-doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows) for pilot studies and developmental research. Applications for the spring cycle are…

February 11, 2022

February 16: Meeting People Where They Are in the Emerald City: Approaches for People Experiencing Homelessness

2022 Seminar Series on Homelessness

The UW Center for Health Innovation and Policy Science (CHIPS) is hosting a 4-part online seminar series on homelessness. The second session, on February 16 (12-1pm PT), will feature ADAI Principal Research Scientist Caleb Banta-Green, as well as Seema Clifasefi of the UW Harm Reduction Research and Treatment Center, talking about projects at the UW…

January 31, 2022

New from ADAI: Distributing Safer Smoking Supplies Can Help Reduce Health Risks of Opioid/Stimulant Use

Stack of 3 binders with New ADAI Report on the spines

In Washington State and across the country, fentanyl has quickly become a major opioid in the illicit drug supply. Fentanyl, especially in pill form, is most often smoked rather than injected. Similarly, methamphetamine is most typically smoked and its use and fatal overdoses have increased rapidly in recent years. Harm reduction programs, including syringe services programs (SSPs), do a great job…

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