Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute


June 6, 2022

How to Get Naloxone in WA State

Hand holding a nasal narcan kit

Do you have naloxone (a.k.a. Narcan) in your first aid kit? This medication is given when an opioid overdose happens and can help save someone’s life. Anyone who uses opioids (even if they are prescribed by a physician) or who has friends or family who do should have naloxone on hand just in case. Additionally,…

May 23, 2022

ADAI in the News: How to Keep Loved Ones Safe from Fentanyl (NY Times)

Father talking to son on steps

ADAI Principal Research Scientist Caleb Banta-Green was interviewed by Melinda Wenner Moyer at the New York Times for this piece about how to talk about opioids with your family. Dr. Banta-Green talks about how widely and safely fentanyl is used in hospitals – “most people who have had a day surgery have had fentanyl” –…

May 9, 2022

Why ADAI is Using “Cannabis” Instead of “Marijuana”

Blocks spelling out "Words matter"

Words matter. And that’s why we’re working to replace the term “marijuana” on ADAI websites and resources with “cannabis,” following the recent passing of Washington State’s HB 1210. This new law makes Washington State a pioneer on removing discriminatory language from cannabis-related official documents in the United States. The term “marijuana” came into popular usage in the U.S….

May 4, 2022

Get News, Events, & Research Updates on Opioids & Stimulants from CEDEER

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The Center for Community-Engaged Drug Education, Epidemiology and Research (CEDEER) group at ADAI joins research with the “real-world” to generate innovative, evidence-based, and person-centered responses to the use of opioids, stimulants and other illicit substances. The group works to collect and share knowledge gained from research, local data, clinical expertise, and personal lived experiences of…

May 2, 2022

ADAI in the News: High-Potency Cannabis a Concern in WA and CO

Cannabis pen

ADAI cannabis expert Beatriz Carlini, PhD, MPH was interviewed for a national NBC News article exploring the impact of high-THC concentration products in states that have legalized cannabis for retail sale, like Washington and Colorado. Dr. Carlini, who was part of a team of UW and WSU researchers who put together a consensus statement and…

March 8, 2022

Results from the 2021 WA State Syringe Service Program Health Survey

Title of report with map showing location of survey respondents

The biennial WA State Syringe Service Program Health Survey is the state’s primary source of data on the substance use patterns, health behaviors, and health care needs of people who use drugs and utilize syringe service programs (SSPs). The University of Washington’s Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute (ADAI) conducts the survey in collaboration with Public…

February 16, 2022

New from ADAI/FADU: Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Mental Health at Midlife

Illustration of pregnant woman with text Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Mental Health at Midlife

The effects of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) have been studied a lot, with a particular focus on physical birth defects and neurocognitive development. Much less studied has been an association between PAE and mental health disorders, especially for adults with both PAE and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). Though some research has found a connection…

December 7, 2021

Kay Kelly Awarded FASD United Star of Justice

Justice star of the year Kathryn Kelly

Kathryn (Kay) Kelly, Research Coordinator at ADAI’s Fetal Alcohol & Drug Unit and Project Director of the FASD Legal Issues Resource Center, was recently honored by FASD United for her years of service to people with FASD. At the annual FASD United Circle of Stars ceremony on December 3, 2021, Ms. Kelly was awarded the…

November 17, 2021

Seattle Now Episode Featuring ADAI’s Michelle Peavy, PhD

Seattle Now logo with title of episode: Treating the Opioid Epidemic

Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson wants three drug distributors to pay up for their role in the opioid epidemic. If he wins in court, the state could have billions of dollars to spend on treatment. In this episode of KUOW’s Seattle Now, host Patricia Murphy talks with ADAI’s Dr. Michelle Peavy about what the…

October 4, 2021

Fentanyl is Flooding into the Inland NW, Triggering a Deadlier Phase of the Opioid Crisis (The Inlander)

In this article by Wilson Criscione of The Inlander about the flood of fentanyl into Washington State, ADAI’s Dr. Caleb Banta-Green says that it’s rare for an illicit pill looking like an oxy not to be fentanyl. “Banta-Green […] says that every fatal King County overdose in 2020 with an M-30 tablet at the scene…

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