Sponsored Implementation Projects

While CAAHS serves as a direct sponsor for technical assistance provided across a spectrum of regional workforce development efforts via the Northwest ATTC, and as a cosponsor to technical assistance provided via regional contribution to the Opioid Response Network, we also engage in implementation service projects with external sponsors to address specific needs of addiction workforce groups. Below is a selection of such projects.
Interested in pursuing an implementation project with CAAHS? Contact Lindsay Worth at lworth3@uw.edu.
Comprehensive Technical Assistance in Motivational Interviewing to Support Creation of an Organizational Culture Change
This ten-month project supported a desired culture change at a behavioral health organization via a comprehensive, MI-focused technical assistance package with components for executives (i.e., leadership consultation, policy review), supervisors (i.e., supervision practices, fidelity monitoring) and direct-care staff (i.e., training, individual performance-based feedback and coaching).
Sponsor: Connections Behavior Planning and Intervention, LLC
Development and Library Staff Support for a Third-Space Telehealth Suite Toolkit
This project involves user-centered design of a comprehensive toolkit to aid those in public libraries and other non-traditional settings who seek to create systems, processes, and spaces for community members to access telehealth care in a private, trauma-informed environment, as well as initiation of a corresponding community-of-practice.
Sponsor: Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Development of a County-Level Recovery-Oriented System of Care for Behavioral Health
This multi-year project involved providing training and technical assistance services to the Skagit County Public Health Department to assist staff with incorporating recovery-oriented system of care principles and practices into the county’s behavioral health system of care.
Sponsor: Skagit County Public Health
Implementing Contingency Management in Alaska-based Health Settings
This three-year project, funded by the Alaska SOR-4 grant, involves delivery of a comprehensive technical assistance package encompassing collaborative design of customized CM programming, didactic training, virtual coaching of clinical staff, ongoing consultation during active implementation, and program evaluation.
Sponsor: Alaska Department of Social and Health Services
Implementing CM to Promote Stimulant Abstinence in Community Opioid Treatment Programs
This two-year project, funded by the Oregon SOR-2 grant, involved delivery of a comprehensive technical assistance package encompassing collaborative design of customized CM programming, didactic training, virtual coaching of clinical staff, ongoing consultation during active implementation, and program evaluation.
Sponsor: Oregon Health Authority
Implementing CM to Promote Treatment Adherence Among Persons with Stimulant Use Disorder in Community Treatment Programs
This two-year project, funded by the Oregon SOR-3 grant, involves delivery of a comprehensive technical assistance package encompassing collaborative design of customized CM programming, didactic training, virtual coaching of clinical staff, ongoing consultation during active implementation, and program evaluation.
Sponsor: Oregon Health Authority
Implementing Contingency Management in Oregon-based Health Settings
This three-year project, funded by the Oregon SOR-4 grant, involves delivery of a comprehensive technical assistance package encompassing collaborative design of customized CM programming, didactic training, virtual coaching of clinical staff, ongoing consultation during active implementation, and program evaluation.
Sponsor: Oregon Health Authority
King County SBIRT Learning Collaborative for Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Plan-funded Emergency Department Providers
This multi-year project provides training and technical assistance services to promote on-going system improvements and support continued skill development of staff providing SBIRT services at the MIDD plan-funded emergency departments.
Sponsor: King County Behavioral Health and Recovery Division
Motivational Interviewing Training
This project involved providing Introductory and Advanced Motivational Interviewing training for providers in Oregon to support patient-centered care.
Sponsor: Oregon Primary Care Association
Preparing Future Addictions Professionals to Effectively Manage Patients with Opioid Use Disorder
This one-year project involved development and delivery of a half-day training curriculum in management of patients with opioid use disorder for pre-service student healthcare professionals at Washington state colleges and universities
Sponsor: WWAMI Area Health Education Center
Training for Behavioral Health Providers Addressing People with Substance Use Disorders in Washington State
This six-month project provided training to behavioral health clinicians on selected therapeutic practices to address substance use disorders.
Sponsor: Washington State Health Care Authority
Training and Intensive Technical Assistance in Motivational Interviewing
This twelve-month project involved working with clinical supervisors across twelve behavioral health organizations to increase internal capacity to promote motivational interviewing implementation through coaching and in-service delivery of MI training sessions.
Sponsor: Tri-County Behavioral Health Provider Association
Training and Intensive Technical Assistance in Motivational Interviewing for Behavioral Health and Medical Providers
This six-month project involved providing training and technical assistance to support the implementation of motivational interviewing in seven of Multnomah County Health’s Federally Qualified Health Centers with the goal of enhancing patient-centered care.
Sponsor: Multnomah County Health Department
Training and Technical Assistance for Behavioral Health Providers in Washington State
Description: This six-month project provides training and technical assistance on selected therapeutic practices for behavioral health clinicians in Washington state.
Sponsor: Washington State Health Care Authority
Training-of-Trainers Process for Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)
This three-month project involved providing a SBIRT Training of Trainers to staff at Valley Cities Counseling to support ongoing implementation of SBIRT services.
Sponsor: Valley Cities Counseling
Training, Technical Assistance, and Leadership Services to Support Workforce Development Initiatives
This multi-year project involved providing training to the King County behavioral treatment workforce on a variety of clinical and leadership practices.
Sponsor: King County Behavioral Health and Recovery Division
Youth Clinician Training
This six-month project provided training workshops on a range of therapeutic practices for Washington state behavioral health clinicians who serve youth populations.
Sponsor: Washington State Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery
Youth and Young Adult SUD and COD Trainings
This two-year project is providing training and technical assistance to support behavioral health workforce training and education needs related to SUD harm reduction, treatment, and recovery, with emphasis on intensive support for integration of family services.
Sponsor: Washington State Health Care Authority