Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute

Clinical Trials Consultation and Technical Assistance Program (C-TAP)

C-TAP is here to help investigators with clinical research design, implementation, and dissemination, in partnership with the UW Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, the Garvey Institute for Brain Health Solutions, and the Pacific Northwest Node of the NIDA Clinical Trials Network.

These services are offered to Garvey Institute grantees, trainees applying for or funded by a Trainee Research Award through the Clinician Scientist Training Program (CSTP), and department investigators.

Who We Are

Our team is made up of experienced faculty, research scientists, coordinators, and a program operations manager with 23 years of continuously funded experience conducting local and nationally-focused clinical research. Examples include large and small projects, and single and multi-site clinical trials of substance use interventions. In addition to our primary team, we have a pool of experts from which we can draw. Learn more about the C-TAP team here!

C-TAP is led by:

Mary Hatch, PhDC-TAP Director

Sharon Garrett, MPHResearch Scientist

Brenda Stuvek, BSProject Manager

What We Offer

Technical assistance from experienced PIs and Project Directors

For Garvey Institute grantees, investigators participating in UW Psychiatry's Clinician Scientist Training Program (CSTP), and department investigators, whether they be trainees, early career investigators, seasoned clinicians or researchers new to community-facing clinical research.

Coaching, training, or other hands-on assistance

Available at any phase of a trial, from planning to implementation to dissemination, with support from a range of experts who can answer questions and help troubleshoot your project.

Start with a free 30-minute welcome call!

To get started, email us at and we'll set up a free 30-minute welcome call to help determine your needs.

Consultation vs. Collaboration

Please note: We offer project-specific consultation, which is different from collaboration or research mentorship.

Example Consultation Services

Study Planning & Design Phase
  • Protocol development
  • Literature reviews
  • Choosing assessment measures
  • Human Subjects applications
  • Study timelines & budgets
  • Collaborating with community partners
Study Implementation Phase
  • Developing detailed SOPs
  • Launching a study in a community organization
  • Recruitment: planning, anticipating barriers, & troubleshooting
  • Retention & Tracking: tracking tools, participant communication, subject remuneration
Dissemination Phase
  • Sharing results with community partners
  • Engaging community partners in writing & dissemination
  • Online dissemination on social media
  • Future funding considerations: Where do I go from here?

How Much Does C-TAP Consultation Cost?

We offer an initial 30-minute intake consultation at no charge.  Please contact us directly at for currently approved billing rates.

  • Garvey Innovation Grant and Clinical Scientists Training Program (CSTP) applicants are eligible for 3 hours of no-cost consultation while preparing their proposals.
  • Current Garvey Innovation Grant awardees may pay for the first three hours out of their Innovation Grant Award upon approval by the Garvey Institute. Additional hours must be paid through other funding sources. Applicants are encouraged to set up a free 30-minute welcome call with C-TAP to discuss project needs.
  • Trainees applying for a Clinical Scientists Trainee Program award may write C-TAP costs into their research proposals after conducting a required 30-minute welcome call with C-TAP.
  • Department faculty investigators may purchase services at any time.