Transforming Our Communities, 2021

On June 29-30, 2021, the Center for Community-Engaged Drug Education, Epidemiology, and Research (CEDEER) at ADAI held its second annual two-day Transforming Our Communities event, bringing participants from around the state together to hear from people with lived experience about barriers and successes in accessing compassionate and effective services, hear trends in statewide data, discuss how to decrease stigma and increase compassion when serving people who use drugs, and identify innovations and opportunities for transformations.
Day One, June 29
Day Two, June 30
Topic Tracks (each approx 2 hours)
Jump to specific sections of the youth, young adults, and fentanyl session:
- Introduction
- What is opioid addiction (Dr. Taryn Hansen)
- Fentanyl data trends (Dr. Caleb Banta-Green)
- Fentanyl youth education campaign (Alison Newman)
- Videos about youth experiences with fentanyl (4 young adults)
- Local outreach model of care (Dr. Hansen and Johnny Ohta)
- Q&A session
Call to Action, Wrap-Up, Next Steps
After the topic sessions, participants reconvened as a group to listen to highlights from day two tracks; document challenges, innovations, and transformations; and improve how we work with and serve people who use drugs.
Jump to specific sections of this session: