CannTalk: A Brief Intervention for Discussing Cannabis with Clients Experiencing Psychosis

CERP finalized a pilot feasibility study of a brief clinical intervention to reduce cannabis related harms among people experiencing psychosis, in collaboration with Dr. Denise Walker from the UW School of Social Work. Grounded in Motivational Interviewing (MI), the CannTalk intervention is designed to equip Coordinated Specialty Care teams and Behavioral Health Clinicians with skills to communicate more effectively about cannabis and guide clients towards reducing or quitting their cannabis use.
Denise Walker, PhD, presented on the CannTalk project at the 2024 ADAI Symposium on Cannabis, Schizophrenia, and Other Psychotic Disorders. [watch the recording | download slides].
View educational tools created by this project, including an online self-paced training, clinical manual, discussion tool, and discussion demonstration.
Denise Walker, PhD
Beatriz Carlini, PhD, MPH
Lyndsey Kellum, MEd
Sharon Garrett, MA, MPH
Fund Information
The Washington State Legislature through ESSB 5187 (2023) and the Washington State Dedicated Cannabis Fund for research at the University of Washington.
Start: October 2023
End: February 2025
Status: current