Webinar July 28: Decarceration and Connection to Care
ADAI’s Dr. Caleb Banta-Green will be part of a 3-person panel discussion on July 28th (12-1:30pm EDT) about decarceration and connection to care.
Sponsored by the O’Neill Institute for National & Global Health Law at Georgetown Law, this webinar is part 4 of their “Applying the Evidence” series on jails and prisons as critical intervention points in addressing the nation’s overdose crisis.
July 28th’s session will feature Dr. Banta-Green, along with Michael Botticelli (former director of the ONDCP) and Patrice Harris, MD, MA (immediate past president of the AMA), discussing strategies for ensuring that community-based services increase as incarceration decreases, how communities are aligning incentives to promote reform, and how society can translate research into actionable policy and practice to support a new paradigm.