Webinar: How the Addiction Workforce Can Work with the Media to Improve Reporting on Addiction (Jan 25, 12pm PT)
01/05/2023Calling all reporters and addiction workforce members! Join the Northwest ATTC at ADAI on January 25, 2023 (12-1pm PT) for this exciting new webinar on how we can work together to improve reporting on addiction!

Harnessing Your Expertise: How the Addiction Workforce Can Work with the Media to Improve Reporting on Addiction
January 25, 2023 | 12-1pm PT
Presenters: Ashton Marra and Jonathan Stoltman, co-directors of Reporting on Addiction
Mainstream media perpetuates many problematic narratives about drug use and addiction that increase stigma, discrimination, and bad policy. One way to address these shortcomings is to increase the coverage of evidence-based approaches to addiction treatment and recovery. To do this, we need bridges between subject matter experts and the media. However, many experts are not trained to interact with journalists in today’s media environment. Thus, this workshop is designed to offer customized training to support interactions between the addiction workforce and the media. Topics covered will include preparing for interviews and how to pitch ideas/op-eds to the media.
A few learning objectives:
- Identify stigma in the media
- Describe how to reduce stigma in media coverage
- Tangible tips you can use to improve your interactions and reporting in general
All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance (which can be used to obtain 1.0 CE from many credentialing bodies).