Virtual Panel: More Than Just Pipes: Lessons from the Field About Safer Smoking Supplies (May 16)
ADAI’s Center for Community-Engaged Drug Education, Epidemiology and Research (CEDEER) hosted an interactive virtual panel about how organizations can use distribution of safer smoking supplies to reach people who smoke opioids or stimulants.
In this session, experts from the People’s Harm Reduction Alliance and Tacoma Needle Exchange/Dave Purchase Project shared their strategies and answer your questions about how to effectively distribute safer smoking supplies and maximize engagement opportunities.
Hear from these programs about:
- Why hand out safer smoking supplies?
- Distribution 101: How to do it
- Response from participants
- Lessons learned
- Challenges and positive impacts
Bring your questions for this exciting panel!
Lisa Al-Hakim from the People’s Harm Reduction Alliance
Paul LaKosky and Jacob Ball from the Dave Purchase Project
View the QA responses here