E-Learning and Interventions
This page highlights some of the online trainings, webinar recordings, and virtual toolkits developed by different centers and programs at ADAI.
Online Training

Medicinal Cannabis & Chronic Pain
Developed for health professionals, including physicians, nurses, osteopaths, pharmacists, and PAs, this training presents current information on the use of medicinal cannabis for the treatment of various conditions, with a focus on chronic pain. [learn more]

Washington Overdose Prevention and Response Training
The only video specific to Washington State, this 9-minute training covers overdose risks, the WA State Good Samaritan Law, and shows a step-by-step demonstration on what to do in an opioid overdose (including rescue breathing and naloxone). [learn more]
Northwest ATTC Online Trainings
The Northwest ATTC has developed several online trainings, all of which are available for free (obtainnig CEU may cost a small processing fee). Find these trainings on their website:
- Law & Ethics of Clinician-Client Relationships – This 3-hour interactive online course, written and presented by Eric Ström, JD, PhD, LMHC, a licensed mental health counselor and attorney in Seattle, looks at laws and ethics related to clinician-client relationships for behavioral health professionals in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Meets the current ethics requirement among healthcare professionals in the HHS Region 10 states (as of November 2021).
- Contingency Management for Healthcare Settings – This comprehensive online course features separate modules for each of the 4 common personnel roles in healthcare: decision-makers, clinical supervisors, direct care staff, and administrative support staff. This training is intended to provide an introduction to CM and serve as a bridge to more intensive technical assistance for implementation.
- Supporting Recovery from Opioid Use: A Peer’s Guide to Person-Centered Care – This one-hour, self-paced course is designed to equip peers and other outreach workers with information, resources, and practical tips to help them better understand opioids and their impact on individuals. Learn about the role of peers in recovery, how opioids affect the brain, what treatment options exist, and how to support people who use opioids.
Webinar Series & Other Video Education

Northwest ATTC Webinar Series
The Northwest ATTC has a monthly webinar series featuring presentations on a range of topics of interest to our region. Previous webinars have addressed: opioid use disorder, harm reduction, stigma, SBIRT for teens, co-occurring trauma and addiction, and more. [learn more]

Center for Community-Engaged Drug Education, Epidemiology and Research Webinars & Training Videos
CEDEER at ADAI has regular webinars on a wide range of topics related to drug trends and treatment. They also have video education series for care navigators and nurse care managers. Find both on their LearnAboutTreatment.org website.

CTN Pacific Northwest Node
Extended-Release Injectable Buprenorphine Videos & Factsheets: Buprenorphine is one of three medications (methadone and naltrexone being the other two) approved for use to treat opioid use disorder. It is available as a film or tablet, and more recently as two long-acting extended-release injectables. Sublocade™ was first to be approved by the FDA in November 2017. More recently, in May 2023, Brixadi™ received approval. In January 2024 it was added to the WA state Medicaid formulary. Fewer clinicians have experience using Brixadi™ than Sublocade™. The videos, podcast, and information sheets on this page are intended to aid prescribers in their conversations with patients interested in these buprenorphine options.
Toolkits and Curricula

Third Space Toolkit: Building Space for Telehealth in Libraries and the Community
Developed by the ADAI Center for Advancing Addiction Health Services, this digital toolkit teaches you how to design and implement a private space for hosting telehealth services in your community setting that’s confidential, responsive, and expands access to care for people who need substance use disorder treatment and other behavioral health services. [visit site]

Treatment Retention Toolkit
The Treatment Retention Toolkit was created to help clinicians and treatment organizations in Washington improve client engagement and retention in SUD outpatient treatment settings. The toolkit features training and other resources intended to help clinicians and treatment organizations in Washington State improve client engagement and retention in SUD outpatient settings. [visit site]

Education & FASD Toolkit
The Education & FASD Toolkit is designed to help educators, parents, and caregivers understand how FASD impacts students, and identify appropriate interventions. It outlines issues and challenges and gives concrete strategies for overcoming those challenges. The toolkit contains a special section addressing issues particularly relevant to Native Communities. [visit site]
Healing of the Canoe Curricula
Healing of the Canoe focuses on suicide and substance abuse prevention for Native youth, using the Canoe Journey as a metaphor. It was designed to be adapted by Native communities using community-specific traditions and beliefs to strengthen youths’ connection to their communities and cultures, and strengthen their hope and optimism. [download curriculum]