Response: It is very helpful for those of us who do not have money or access to the things you provide. TY.Response: Fentanyl has creeped up in Washington and took over our community in every way possible. Young kids steal from their parents to support themselves. Parents have given up fighting against children as to learn all they can about each other.Response: Should be social workers not police. They are generally violent asshats.Response: It has helped me by not sharing a bulb with someone else.Response: Yes, I used to shoot “H” but ever since you guys started coming out here I have stopped shooting and now smoke and am getting closer to stopping.Response: Being busted for the potential of DWLS Possession with Intent, Grand Theft Auto, yet due to telling Officer all the truth, let go with no charges and taken home.Response: It has made it safer for me and my fellow drug addicts.Response: Yes, quit shooting up as much. Barely shoot at all now I have smoking supplies.Responses: 1) Suboxone knowledge, CPR, and rescue breaths. 2) N/A – stay low key. 3) Yes, you have saved lives and health risks.Response: Yes, less chance to transfer germs or disease.Response: Easy access to safer smoking/shooting supplies helps with responsible use practices. Which ultimately encourages responsible public interaction.Response: There is a lot of physical pain that goes without proper treatment. I can only speak for myself, however, if I had safe access to effective pain medication I know that I wouldn’t need to buy it or use on the streets.Response: Able to feel safe about tools I’m using.Response: You give me the things I need.Response: Yes, less ODs, less worry for me and others.Response: The offering of the bubbles have made it easier to stop the sharing of bubble use.Response: Arrested on July 9th in Lakewood while trying to help a homeless friend. I was in possession of meth and Perk 30’s and was sentenced to 24 months in prison.Response: I do not have to approach a stranger/someone I do not know very well. This makes my encounter(s) safer with the people in the area. Therefore I feel I am much more self-sufficient and do not have to rely on anyone now.Response: The access to drugs has become more prevalent. TNE has been a great help reducing overdoses, and HIV rates.Responses: 1) Things are well right now. I especially happy with this program’s community assistance. 2) I really haven’t had much police involvement. 3) To be honest, it has helped me to have a cleaner, less restrictive, much cleaner experience. It also helps me inform others how to use in a clean manner.Response: Specific things? How may it be possible the “scatterbrain” to specify what may “help” the user? Meth causes health issues for us all. Fentanyl caused about 10 friends’ deaths. This is no community 4 us.Response: Helps me keep my use sanitary.Response: It keeps everyone safe with the stuff that is passed out to all of us and we get to save other lives too, so thank you.Response: I had experience with police years ago. I had problem…with them over alcohol.Response: They make it so that it’s all safe, or cleaner for you. They make it so you don’t have to get things you need off the streets.Response: The cops have left me alone most of the time since I quit shooting H as much. When smoking, my time is spent indoors mainly keeping me out of public eye. I’m not doing too many crimes no more.Response: Less infection and doing less heroin. Smoking pills has weened off other drugs. More foil, tooters, and lighters.Response: Safer smoking supplies and access to them has helped me feel included in the community. Ostracization has furthered my addiction. If I am going to be charged with horse theft, I will steal a horse.Response: Helps reduce my costs and gives me and my wide a clean way to use. I see health benefits, people around me have less abscesses and boils.Response: I had one interview with the police and it got dropped. I wasn’t really guilty even though I had it on my person. There were extraneous circumstances.Response: More test kits with more contacts with a provider. I watched friends go to prison while I received nothing.Response: Both drugs have become almost common place. I believe certain jobs waive drug testing to help the crime rate diminish. Addicts can be functional if allowed the chance and rid some of the stigma.Response: Access to safer smoking supplies has allowed me and my community to not only practice safer using habits, preventing injuries, infections, and hospitalizations, but also helped to reduce criminal activities needed to necessitate such habits.Response: Access to safer things has changed things in a tremendous way, because without the needle exchange the access to cleans is very limited, costly, and to most addicts embarrassing. Without the needle exchange, statistically, the average user getting Hep C increases about 45% and even saving one person through the exchange is the entire point.Response: It changes the people I get it from and also changes the way I make use of people’s efforts. With much sameful access to the things that are safe to be used for somewhat a cleaner result.Response: It makes it easier because I always brake my smoking device then go to either not a healthy smoking method or an unsafe one. This is the only place I’ve found that gives out hammers and I use that instead of foil and I feel that’s healthier again.Response: Yes, we need more education offered on emergency situations, i.e. overdose – how to identify them, who to call, friends, sponsor, family, 911. Also quick response actions: mouth to mouth, CPR, compressions, how to revive, blood-born diseases, blood-to-blood contact.Response: Fentanyl is very prevalent in my community and don’t want to mix and having our own is safer, or less risky for even more reasons.Response: Just like needles and everything else, being able to get smoking supplies safely without judgement is always best. If people are going to use, it’s great that the exchange promotes cleaner and safer use.Response: Access to safer smoking supplies has changed things for me because I don’t have to search the ground or use already used smoking or shooting supplies, so instead of dirty materials I know I can be healthy and safe.Response: In the past, I simply did not care about my health, what I used to smoke out of or smoke on. Since my encounter with the TNE, I was blessed by the clientele whom works for TNE for their concern for individuals and their patience to educate the community on the risk factors that we the repercussions that come with unhealthy habits. Since then, and to this day, I remain loyal to the safer, healthier smoking supplies I receive from TNE. Sincerely, Dacida Bodiwadski. 5/18/22Response: Access to smoking supplies has allowed me to use my own supplies and not share with others. This has been helpful during COVID.Response: It has changed in I don’t have to re-use needles so it’s safer because it’s a lot cleaner.Response: I was in the past, I was with a friend of mine. Keeps us from getting sick, less infections.Responses: 1) People are doing them. 2) Police are shitty. You already know. 3) Being able to have my own pipe has reduced COVID exposure.Response: A safe place to use and lighters.Responses: 1) Besides energy to clean, it keeps my focus on certain subjects. 2) Pipe law-related. 3) On time, more in tune with keeping on.Response: A lot of time we don’t have money to buy the pipe. So it’s nice of you all to give these to us. Thank you so much.
Thank you to everyone for sharing their experiences!