Lyndsey Kellum MEd
Lyndsey has held careers in teaching and public health since 2007. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Community Health from Western Washington University and a Master of Education from the University of Washington – Tacoma. Lyndsey’s work has largely focused on improving the health and well-being of children and youth by increasing access to information and community resources, as well as supporting policy, systems, and environmental changes. She joined ADAI’s Cannabis Education & Research Program (CERP) in spring of 2023, where she has collaborated on projects exploring public health impacts of cannabis legalization in Washington State.
Lyndsey serves as the project director for multiple projects, including:
- CannTalk: a brief intervention for discussion cannabis with clients experiencing psychosis
- Assessing Engagement in Cannabis Policy: a baseline survey of elected officials in Washington
- Cannabis Adverse Events in Clinical Practice: an assessment of Washington clinicians’ practices, knowledge, and needs
Research Scientist, Program Evaluator (CERP)
BS, Community Health, Western Washington University
MEd, University of Washington - Tacoma
ORCID: 0009-0007-1546-7497
Linked Information
Research Interests
- Cannabis and mental health
- Commercial determinants of health
- Cannabis policy
- Public health
Lyndsey served as a program manager and community liaison for the Olympic Region Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program (YMPEP), a grant funded by the Washington State Department of Health. Her work included planning and implementation of biennial needs assessment and strategic planning processes; annual and 5-year program planning; and development of regional network training and sustainability plans. She also worked to engage healthcare providers, educators, and prevention interventionists to increase their knowledge of the legal cannabis landscape. This included identifying opportunities within patient-doctor and student-teacher interactions to increase access to health information and resources – including creating a framework for policy and system changes to prevent youth cannabis use and abuse. In collaboration with a regional team, Lyndsey facilitated policy research about cannabis related issues addressed during the 2020 legislative sessions. This research resulted in a white paper.
Research & Other Projects
Cannabis Industry Rhetoric to Defeat Public Health-Oriented Regulations
Status: completed