SBIRT Job Openings at 2 Emergency Departments in King County
St Francis Hospital in Federal Way, WA and Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, WA have full-time openings on their respective Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) teams.
SBIRT is paid for by King County’s MIDD Behavioral Health Sales Tax Fund which is specifically for programs and services for people living with or at risk of behavioral health conditions.
SBIRT provides participants with individualized feedback about their alcohol and drug use. Alongside doctors and nurses in two local emergency departments, SBIRT Clinicians enhance a person’s motivation to change their alcohol and drug use while respecting individuals’ goals, values, and culture. Clinicians work with people to reduce harm from substance use, consider options for alcohol and drug treatment, and connect people to other needed services such as mental health treatment, vocational services, and housing.
The positions are open to people with clinical licensure in mental health professions such as social work and counseling, or certification as a Substance Use Disorder Professional.
Additional areas of skill include experience working with individuals who may have mental health and/or substance use disorders, familiarity with validated screening tools, and the ability to use Motivational Interviewing to facilitate effective brief interventions and referrals to treatment. Please see job postings for details.
Current job postings
For more information about SBIRT services in King County, please contact Jennifer Wyatt, LMHC, MAC, SUDP at