Welcome Back: Evaluating Strategies to Re-Engage Smokers in Quitline Cessation Services
Tobacco dependence is a chronic relapsing condition that typically requires multiple quit attempts to achieve long-term abstinence. State tobacco quitlines (QLs) are available through a national network and deliver telephone-based interventions for smoking cessation. This project aimed to a) create a registry of QL previous callers from the states of Washington and Indiana; b) Deliver repeated IVR, SMS and e-mail interventions to encourage registry members to make a new quit attempt and re-engage in QL support services; and c) Evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of utilizing a menu of technology-driven interventions to re-engage quitline callers in activities that support new quit attempts.
Bia Carlini, PhD, MPH PI (UW ADAI)
Fund Information
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Grant #: <3U48DP001911-05S2 (SIP 13-073)
USD: $198,362
Start: September 29, 2013
End: September 28, 2014
Status: completed