Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute

Consumers’ Perspectives on the Function of Marijuana in Their Lives

The overall objective of this study was to generate a taxonomy of how adults who regularly consume marijuana perceive its function in their lives. In particular, this study aimed to use grounded theory to understand the phenomenon of marijuana consumption from the consumer’s perspective, potentially broadening the framework beyond the binary categories of medical vs non-medical cannabis.

Fund Information

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute (ADAI)
Start: July 1, 2016
End: June 30, 2017
Status: completed

Project Results


A taxonomy of consumers’ perspectives on the function of cannabis in their lives: A qualitative study in WA State, USA. Harwick R, Carlini BH, Garrett SB. J Psychoactive Drugs 2020;52(5):393-400. [doi: 10.1080/02791072.2020.1763522]