Pregnant/Parenting Women and Substance Use Webinar Series, January-March 2021 (Northwest ATTC)
The Northwest ATTC at ADAI will be hosting a 3-part webinar series on pregnant/parenting women and substance use this winter. All sessions are free and attendees of the live events will receive certificates of attendance that can be used to obtain CEU.
Part 1: January 27, 2021 | 12-1pm PST | Register here
Improving Outcomes by Recognizing and Responding to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) in Individuals
The majority of those with an FASD are not diagnosed and many have been misdiagnosed. As a result, typical interventions for them in substance use and mental health treatment, corrections, child welfare, and other systems of care are often ineffective and are frequently contraindicated. This presentation will address the importance of recognizing an FASD in those with whom we work or live. The brain damage seen in FASD will be examined, along with common behaviors that result from this damage.
Presenter: Dan Dubovsky, MSW, has worked for over 40 years in the field of behavioral health as a direct care worker in residential treatment and a therapist in residential and outpatient settings. He has been involved in FASD for over 30 years.
Part 2: February 24, 2021 | 12-1pm PST | Register here
Parent-Child Assistance Program: Supporting Substance Use Disorder Recovery for Pregnant and Parenting Women
In this session, Dr. Susan Stoner of the Washington State Parent-Child Assistance Program will provide an overview of this award-winning, evidence-informed, 3-year case management intervention and present practice-based evidence of its effectiveness in supporting the recovery of pregnant and parenting women and preventing future substance-exposed births.
Presenter: Susan Stoner, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist, Research Scientist at the University of Washington Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, Clinical Instructor in Psychology at the University of Washington, and the Director of the Washington State Parent-Child Assistance Program.
Part 3: March 31, 2021 | 12-1pm PST | Register here
Daily Cannabis Use During Pregnancy and Postpartum: Patient, Provider, and Budtender Perspectives
This presentation will cover a series of research studies focused on perceptions of risk of cannabis use during pregnancy and postpartum. Research participants included perinatal women, healthcare providers, and cannabis retailers in the state of Washington.
Presenter: Dr. Celestina Barbosa-Leiker is an Associate Professor in the College of Nursing and Vice Chancellor for Research at Washington State University Health Sciences Spokane. Her research focuses on pregnant and parenting women with substance use disorders.