Online/Phone Recovery Support During COVID-19
Many in-person 12-step and other recovery support meetings have been canceled because of COVID-19. Here are some links and information about support you can access online or by phone. We will add to this list as we learn of new resources!
Washington Recovery Helpline | 1-866-789-1511
24-hour anonymous and confidential helpline offering emotional support, resource connections, and treatment referrals for substance use, problem gambling, and mental health challenges.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
AA phone meetings are listed by day (click on the day in the menu bar at the top to see what is available). Times are in Eastern Standard Time.
Alcoholics Anonymous Online Intergroup
Offers closed and open meetings via phone, email, forums, text, and video chat.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
Teleconference and phone meetings. Click on “Meetings” at the top to pull up a list of available options by day. See also their list of online meetings.
SMART Recovery
Offers online support meetings that can be accessed via phone or computer. To find online meetings, hover over “Find a Meeting” at the top and select “Search Online Meetings.”
Al-Anon Electronic Meetings
Help and support for anyone affected by alcoholism in a family member or friend. Includes online and phone-based meetings.
Additional resources for information and support:
Boston Medical Center is compiling and updating regularly a list of COVID-19 Recovery Resources for people with substance use disorders. Includes general resources, individual resources, resources related to homelessness, and virtual support meeting links.
Taking Care of your Behavioral Health: Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation During an Infectious Disease Outbreak — handout from SAMHSA with self-care tips and resources for help and support.
News articles and personal stories about recovery support in a time of social distancing:
- How Zoom is Keeping Me Sober by Molly Jong-Fast (Vogue, 3/18/2020)
- Recovery in the Time of Coronavirus by Erica C. Barnett (Huffington Post, 3/16/2020)
- “The Only Thing Missing Are Hugs”: How People Fight Addiction Amid Coronavirus Social Distancing by Jayne O’Donnell (USA Today, 3/13/2020)
- Amid Coronavirus, Recovery Community Urges: Even if you Skip 12-Step Meetings, Stay Connected by Marisa Gerber (LA Times, 3/16/2020)
- How to Stay Sober During a Global Pandemic by Katie MacBride (BuzzFeed, 3/25/2020)
- With Meetings Banned, Millions Struggle to Stay Sober on Their Own by Jan Hoffman (New York Times, 3/26/2020)
- For People in Addiction Recovery, the Isolation of COVID-19 Threatens Hard-Won Healing by Sydney Brownstone (Seattle Times, 3/31/2020)