New Publications from ADAI Researchers
Here’s a sampling of recent articles published by ADAI researchers. For more, visit our Publications & Reports page.
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Interest in reducing methamphetamine and opioid use among syringe services program participants in Washington State.
McMahan VM, Kingston S, Newman A, Stekler JD, Glick SN, Banta-Green CJ. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2020 (in press).
Participant satisfaction and acceptability of a culturally adapted brief intervention to reduce unhealthy alcohol use among Latino immigrant men.
Torres VN, Williams EC, Ceballos RM, Donovan DM, Ornealas IJ. Journal of Men’s Health 2020;14(3):1557988320925652.
Impact of 12-step mutual help groups on drug use disorder patients across six clinical trials.
Humphreys K, Barreto N, Alessi S, Carroll K, Crits-Cristoph P, Donovan D, Kelly J, Schottenfeld R, Timko C, Wagner T. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2020;215:108213.
Dosage of booster phone calls following an SBIRT intervention in the emergency department for reducing substance use.
Hatch-Maillette MA, Donovan DM, Laschober TC. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 2020;116:108043
Substance use and mental health in emerging adult vs. older adult men and women with opioid use disorder.
Barbosa-Leiker C, Campbell ANC, Pavlicova M, Scodes, J, Burlew AK, Hatch-Maillette MA, et al. American Journal on Addictions 2020 (in press).
A taxonomy of consumers’ perspectives on the function of cannabis in their lives: A qualitative study in WA State, USA.
Harwick R, Carlini BH, Garrett SB. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 2020 (in press).
Rapid implementation of service delivery changes to mitigate COVID-19 and maintain access to methadone among persons with and at high-risk for HIV in an opioid treatment program.
Peavy KM, Darnton J, Grekin P, Russo M, Banta-Green CJ, et al. AIDS & Behavior 2020 (in press).
mHealth-based peer mentoring for prevention of alcohol and substance abuse among first year university students: Protocol for quasi-experimental intervention.
Musyoka C, Mbwayo A, Donovan DM, Mathai M. Journal of Substance Use 2020 (in press).
Racism as experienced by physicians of color in the health care setting.
Serafini K, Coyer C, Speights JB, Donovan DM, Guh J, Washington J, Ainsworth C. Family Medicine 2020;52(4):282-7