New ADAI SOR Training Opportunities in 2024
The University of Washington ADAI SOR training team would like to announce two series that are starting back up in the new year! Join us at the SOR Emergency Department and Emerging Approaches to Treating Fentanyl Use Disorder calls.
Emergency Department Call
Fourth Tuesdays Jan – Oct | 9-10am PT
This quarterly call, facilitated by Chris Buresh, MD, MPH, DTM&H, and Wendy Williams-Gilbert, PhD, RN will cover implementing and supporting medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) programs
in the emergency departments. In addition, we hoping to make this series a bit more solution- focused. The first meeting will go through the plan and details and will establish priorities for the rest of the year. After that we will devote part of each meeting to solutions to problems that were previously discussed. These calls are meant to provide a space to share best practices and lessons learned to support patients with OUD who present to the ED.
Registration: Email Ali Lenox,
Who should attend: This series intended audience are individuals working in the emergency department and partnering community agencies preparing or considering MOUD programs. All emergency departments are welcome to participate regardless of SOR funding.
Caring for Patients with Opioid Use Disorder in the Era of Fentanyl
First Wednesdays Feb – Nov | 12–1:30pm PT
This learning collaborative, facilitated by Mark Duncan, MD and Maureen Oscadal, RN, BSN, CARN, will host interactive panel discussions addressing emerging practices in engaging and treating people with opioid use disorder (OUD) who use fentanyl and other synthetic opioids.
Subjects covered will include evolving practices for starting buprenorphine, buprenorphine dosing and other strategies to promote treatment engagement, approaches for managing pain in buprenorphine treatment, and the role of social networks and support in treatment.
- February – Evolving practices for starting buprenorphine
- May – Buprenorphine dosing and treatment engagement
- August – Approaches to managing pain during buprenorphine treatment
- November – Understanding and leveraging social support in treatment
Registration: Email Ali Lenox,
Who should attend: This series intended audience is for anyone in Washington State involved in treating people with OUD. All disciplines are welcome and encouraged to join.