How to Get Naloxone in WA State
Do you have naloxone (a.k.a. Narcan) in your first aid kit? This medication is given when an opioid overdose happens and can help save someone’s life. Anyone who uses opioids (even if they are prescribed by a physician) or who has friends or family who do should have naloxone on hand just in case.
Additionally, because fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid, can now be found in any illicit drug bought on the street or online, it’s a good idea for anyone using any substances to carry naloxone.
For the Public
Naloxone/Narcan can now be purchased over-the-counter in most drug stores/pharmacies. It can also be purchased from online vendors like Amazon. WA Medicaid and most other health insurance also covers naloxone, including over-the-counter, with no copay.
Organizations that wish to distribute naloxone to community members can apply here for the Washington Department of Health’s Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution program.
For UW Students
UW Students can also obtain naloxone, as well as fentanyl test strips, from Hall Health, at the Student Food Pantry (naloxone only), and via a vending machine in Odegaard (1st floor). Find out more here.
For more information about overdose, including where else you can find naloxone
in Washington State, visit
Posted June 2022, updated September 2023, updated January 2024, updated May 2024.