February 16: Meeting People Where They Are in the Emerald City: Approaches for People Experiencing Homelessness
The UW Center for Health Innovation and Policy Science (CHIPS) is hosting a 4-part online seminar series on homelessness.
The second session, on February 16 (12-1pm PT), will feature ADAI Principal Research Scientist Caleb Banta-Green, as well as Seema Clifasefi of the UW Harm Reduction Research and Treatment Center, talking about projects at the UW that work to improve the lives of people and communities affected by alcohol and drug use and addiction, including people experiencing homelessness.
We’ll hear about the principles and practices of harm reduction and how to effectively and respectfully meet people where they are to help them meet their own goals.
Find out more about the series and get the link to connect to February 16’s session here.