Cannabis Publications
The following cannabis-related publications are authored or co-authored by members of the CERP team.
Journal articles | Reports & Factsheets/Briefs
Journal articles
Identifying policy options to regulate high potency cannabis: A multiple stakeholder concept mapping study in Washington State, USA. Carlini BH, Garrett SB, Matos P, Nims LN, Kestens Y. International Journal of Drug Policy 2024;123:104270. [doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2023.104270]
Food hardship as a strong predictor of tobacco and cannabis use among youth in WA state. Harwick RM, Carlini BH, Williams JR. Child & Youth Services Review 2024;157:107427. [doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107427]
State requirements for non-medical US cannabis retail personnel. LoParco CR, Cui Y, McCready D, Room KF, Yang TY, Rossheim ME, Carlini B, Vinson K, Carvazos-Rehg P, Berg CJ. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice 2024;30(4):517-525. [doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001892]
Testing a brief quitline intervention for tobacco cannabis co-users: A randomized controlled pilot study. Carpenter KM, Walker DD, Mullis K, Berlin HM, Short E, Javitz HS, Carlini BH. Tobacco Use Insights 2024;17:117917×241261302. [doi: 10.1177/117917×241261302]
Threaten, distract, and discredit: Cannabis industry rhetoric to defeat regulation of high THC cannabis products in Washington State, USA. Carlini BH, Kellum LB, Garrett SB, Nims LN. Journal of Studies on Alcohol & Drugs 2024;85(3):322-329. [doi: 10.15288/jsad.23-00277]
How should policy makers regulate the tetrahydrocannabinol content of cannabis products in a legal market? [opinion]. Hall W, Leung J, Carlini BH. Addiction 2023;118(6):998-1003. [doi: 10.1111/add.16135]
Do not let the ideal be the enemy of good regulation. Hall W, Leung J, Carlini BH. Addiction 2023;118(6):1009-1010. [doi: 10.1111/add.16201]
Cannabis industry marketing violations in Washington State, 2014-2019. Carlini BH, Garret S, Firth C, Pinsky I. Journal of Studies on Alcohol & Drugs 2022;83:18-26. [doi: 10.15288/jsad.2022.83.18]
The kids are not all right: E-cigarettes, cannabis co-use, and an emerging public health crisis: A commentary on Roberts et al. (2022). Carlini BH, Garrett SB, Nims LN. Journal of Studies on Alcohol & Drugs 2022. Advance online publication. [doi: 10.15288/jsad.22-00167]
Cannabis-only use in the USA: Prevalence, demographics, use patterns, and health indicators. Carlini BH, Schauer GL. Journal of Cannabis Research 2022;4:39. [doi: 0.1186/s42238-022-00143-y]
Retail cannabis environment and adolescent use: The role of advertising and retailers near home and school. Firth CL, Carlini B, Dilley J, Guttmanova K. Hajat A. Health & Place 2022;75:102795. [doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2022.102795]
Cannabis retail staff (“budtenders”) attitudes towards cannabis effect on health and experiences interacting with consumers – Washington State USA. Carlini BH, Garrett SB, Firth C, Harwick R. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 2022;29:1-9. [doi: 10.1080/02791072.2021.1900628]
Anytime is the right time: A content analysis of marijuana ads in freely distributed print media in western Washington State, USA. Carlini BH, Harwick R, Garrett S. Substance Use & Misuse 2020;55:806-817. [doi: 10.1080/10826084.2019.1703749]
Marijuana use and adherence to smoking cessation treatment among callers to tobacco quitlines. Carpenter KM, Torres AJ, Salmon EE, Carlini BH, Vickerman KA, Schauer GL, Bush T. Preventing Chronic Disease 2020;17:200110. [doi: 10.5888/pcd17.200110]
What about equity? Neighborhood deprivation and cannabis retailers in Portland, Oregon. Firth CL, Carlini BH, Dilley J, Wakefield J, Hajat A. Cannabis 2020;3(2):157-172. [doi: 10.26828/cannabis.2020.02.003]
Moving towards equity: Neighborhood deprivation and cannabis retailers across Portland, Oregon. Firth C, Carlini BH, Dilley J, Wakefield J, Hajat A. Cannabis 2020;3(2):157-172.
Marijuana as a risk factor for discontinuity of care among persons living with HIV/AIDS. [conference abstract] Hartzler B, Carlini BH, Williams JR, Crane HM, Geng EH, Mathews WC, Mayer KH, Moore RD, Mugavero MJ, Napravnik S, Rodriguez B, Donovan DM. Cannabis 2020;3(1):93.
Commentary: Understanding the intergenerational transmission of substance use and problem behavior: Implications for future research and preventive interventions. Haggerty KP, Carlini BH. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 2020;34(8):894-897. [doi: 10.1037/adb0000624]
A taxonomy of consumers’ perspectives on the function of cannabis in their lives: A qualitative study in WA State, USA. Harwick R, Carlini BH, Garrett SB. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 2020;52(5):393-400. [doi: 10.1080/02791072.2020.1763522]
Drug helplines and adult marijuana users: an assessment in Washington, Colorado, Oregon, and Alaska. Carlini BH, Garrett SB. Substance Abuse 2018;39(1):3-5.[doi: 10.1080/08897077.2017.1355872]
Use of marijuana and other substances among pregnant and parenting women with substance use disorders: changes in Washington State after marijuana legalization. Grant TM, Graham JC, Carlini BH, Ernst CC, Brown NN. Journal of Studies on Alcohol & Drugs 2018;79(1):88-95. [doi: 10.15288/jsad.2018.79.88]
Potency increase, product development, and marijuana marketing in time of legalization. [Commentary on Smart et al, Addiction 2017, doi: 10.1111/add.13886]. Carlini BH. Addiction 2017;112(12):2178–2181. [doi: 10.1111/add.13945/]
Medicinal cannabis: A survey among health care providers in Washington State. Carlini BH, Garrett SB, Carter GT. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine 2017;34(1):85-91. [doi: 10.1177/1049909115604669]
Beyond joints and brownies: Marijuana concentrates in the legal landscape of WA State, USA. Carlini BH, Garrett SB, Harwick RM. International Journal of Drug Policy 2017;42:26-28. [doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2017.01.004]
Identifying HIV care enrollees at-risk for cannabis use disorder. Hartzler B, Carlini BH, Newville H, Crane HM, Eron JJ, Geng EH, Mathews WC, Mayer KH, Moore RD, Mugavero MJ, Napravnik S, Rodriguez B, Donovan DM. AIDS Care 2017;29(7): 846–850. [doi: 10.1080/09540121.2016.1271393]
Re-branding cannabis: the next generation of chronic pain medicine? Carter GT, Javaher SP, Nguyen MH, Garrett S, Carlini BH. Pain Manag 2015;5(1):13-21. [doi: 10.2217/pmt.14.49]
Reports & Factsheets/Briefs
[View CERP’s Biennial Research Reports]
Report and Recommendations of the High Potency Cannabis Think Tank to the State of California. Allen JA, Benowitz N, Blumenthal R, Carlini BH, Cooper Z, Fong T, Halpern-Felsher B, Johnson RM, Ling P, Pacula R, Piomelli D, Silver LD, Young-Wolff K. Sacramento, CA: California Department of Public Health, October 2024, 42p.
Language Matters: Cannabis and Tobacco Use Among Youth of Diverse Racial/Ethnic Backgrounds. Carlini BH, Harwick RH, Williams JR. Seattle, WA: Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Washington, July 2024.
High THC Policy | Final Report: Exploring Policy Solutions to Address Public Health Challenges of High THC Products. Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5092; Section 215(55); Chapter 334; Laws of 2021. Washington State Health Care Authority, CERP Team. Olympia, WA; Washington State Health Care Authority, December 2022
Calls to Washington Poison Center for Intentional Exposure to Cannabis, 2017-2021. Firth C. Seattle, WA: Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Washington, August 2022.
Cannabis Concentration and Health Risks: A Report for the Washington State Prevention Research Subcommittee (PRSC). PRSC Cannabis Concentration Workgroup. Seattle, WA: Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute, University of Washington, November 2020.
Cannabis Legalization and Racial Disparities in Washington State: Criminal Justice, Use by Youth, and Treatment Admissions. Firth CL, Carlini BH. Seattle, WA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, March 2019, 9p.
Marijuana and Prescribed Medications. Stoner SA. Seattle, WA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, June 2019, 8p.
People at Risk for Problems with Cannabis. Stoner SA. Seattle, WA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, June 2019, 5p.
Potency of Cannabis. Stoner SA. Seattle, WA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, June 2019, 5p.
The Intersection Between First Episode Psychosis and Marijuana. Stoner SA. Seattle, WA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, June 2019, 8p.
Medical Cannabis and Opioid-related Deaths: What is the Evidence? Carlini BH. Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, December 2018, 6p.
Marijuana Source Assessment Matrix: What Do We Want to Know About Marijuana Access? Stoner SA. Seattle: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, December 2018, 16p.
Hispanic and Latino Youth and Cannabis. Harwick RM. Seattle, WA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, June 2018, 6p
Marijuana Legalization in Washington State: Monitoring the Impact on Racial Disparities in Criminal Justice. Firth CL. Seattle, WA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, June 2018, 8p.
Marijuana and Sexual Risk Behavior in Youth and Emerging Adults: What Do We Know? Stoner SA. Seattle, WA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, June 2018, 9p.
Alcohol and Marijuana. Richards JE, Matson TE. Seattle, WA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, June 2018, 4p,
Role of Medicinal Cannabis as Substitute for Opioid Use to Control Chronic Pain: Separating Popular Myth from Science and Medicine. Carlini BH. Seattle, WA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, February 2018, 6p.
Cannabis Use: Impact in Washington State. Williams JR. Seattle : Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, June 2017.
Effects of Marijuana on Mental Health: Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Stoner SA. Seattle, WA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, June 2017, 6p.
Effects of Marijuana on Mental Health: Anxiety Disorders. Stoner SA. Seattle, WA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, June 2017, 6p.
Effects of Marijuana on Mental Health: Bipolar Disorders. Stoner SA. Seattle, WA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, June 2017, 6p.
Effects of Marijuana on Mental Health: Depression. Stoner SA. Seattle, WA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, June 2017, 6p.
Effects of Marijuana on Mental Health: Psychotic Disorders. Stoner SA. Seattle, WA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, June 2017, 6p.
Effects of Marijuana on Mental Health: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Stoner SA. Seattle, WA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, June 2017, 6p.
Vaping Marijuana. Carlini BH. Seattle: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, UW, May 2016, 5p.
Marijuana Use By Older Adults. Stoner SA. Seattle, WA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, May 2016, 5p.
Marijuana Use: What Do We Really Know? Carlini BH. Seattle: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, August 2015, 3 p.