January 10, 2025
High Potency Cannabis Leads to ER Visits, Illnesses for Some Users (KUOW with ADAI’s Beatriz Carlini)

This new article from KUOW/NPR describes some of the latest data and research related to serious health impacts from use of high-THC cannabis products and talks to ADAI’s Beatriz Carlini, PhD, MPH, director of our Cannabis Education & Research Program (CERP). The article describes increasing illnesses, ER visits, and deaths related to use of high-THC…
January 8, 2025
Washington Sees Spike in New Chemicals in Street Drugs, Fentanyl (Seattle Times with ADAI’s Caleb Banta-Green)

In this new article from the Seattle Times, ADAI’s Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW, director of the UW Center for Community-Engaged Drug Education, Epidemiology & Research (CEDEER), says that the drug supply in Washington State is increasingly “messy,” with over 237 unique substances (some drugs, some not) found in 816 samples tested in just 6…
January 6, 2025
ADAI Highlights from 2024

HAPPY NEW YEAR from all of us at ADAI! ADAI had an extremely productive 2024, with tons of incredible work from our centers and teams and the development of a very exciting strategic plan that will help shape our future. As we start looking ahead, we first wanted to take a quick peek back at…
June 17, 2024
Third Space Toolkit: New Resource from ADAI’s CAAHS Supporting Telehealth for Substance Use Disorders

ADAI’s Center for Advancing Addiction Health Services (CAAHS), working with the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, recently developed an interactive online toolkit, the Third Space Toolkit: Building Space for Telehealth in Libraries and the Community, to support the addition of “privacy pods” in Idaho public libraries for the purpose of providing private spaces for…
May 8, 2024
ADAI in the News – Cannabis Edition

ADAI’s Director, Susan Ferguson, PhD, was recently featured in two news pieces about the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s move toward reclassifying cannabis as a less dangerous drug by lowering it from Schedule I to Schedule III. (What do these terms mean?) In an article for the AP that discusses numerous impacts such a change might…
April 17, 2024
ADAI in the News

ADAI’s Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW, Director of the Center for Community Engaged Drug Epidemiology, Education & Research (CEDEER), was featured in two news articles in the past week: A sliver of hope in a record-setting year of deaths of homeless people. Seattle Times, April 17, 2024. (free link)Fentanyl-related fatal overdoses continue to devastate King County’s…
January 24, 2024
New from CERP: Personal Experiences with High-THC Cannabis

Twenty years ago, most cannabis contained 10% or less THC, and anything higher was considered very potent. Today, cannabis flower (the plant) can be as high as 25% THC, and other cannabis products contain as much as 60-90%. Cannabis concentrates, such as shatter, wax, vaping cartridges, dabs, and butters, made up 35% of the Washington…
August 4, 2023
ADAI In the News: A Round-Up of Stories on Xylazine, Fentanyl, Meth Overdose, “Health Hubs,” and More!

ADAI faculty and staff have been featured in a lot of news articles and other media lately. Here’s a round-up of some of the pieces and podcasts. (Want to be the first to know when ADAI folks are in the media? Follow us on X/Twitter!) Xylazine or “tranq” in WA: Rising drug threat or an…
July 6, 2023
New Podcast Episode Featuring Dr. Mandy Owens: Substance Use and The Reentry Process

This week, ADAI Assistant Professor Mandy Owens, PhD was interviewed on the More Life: The Reentry Podcast by host VanKe’via Garner, MS to talk about the intersection of substance use disorders and the criminal legal system. For people with a substance use disorder (SUD), reentry after jail or prison can be a particularly dangerous time….
March 29, 2023
NEW: U.S. FDA Approves Narcan (4mg Naloxone Nasal Spray) for Over-The-Counter Purchase/Use

From the US FDA press release: Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Narcan, 4 milligram (mg) naloxone hydrochloride nasal spray for over-the-counter (OTC), nonprescription, use – the first naloxone product approved for use without a prescription. Naloxone is a medication that rapidly reverses the effects of opioid overdose and is the standard treatment…
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