ADAI Webinar: Engaging Patients in Opioid Use Disorder Treatment: Primary Care Perspectives (Jan. 23, 12pm PT)
Join us for our first ADAI Lunch & Learn session of the year, Engaging Patients in Opioid Use Disorder Treatment: Primary Care Team Perspectives on Approaches, Barriers, and Facilitators, January 23, 2024 at 12pm PT!
Despite the availability of effective treatment for OUD in many primary care settings, patient engagement in OUD care is variable and often low.
In this webinar, Elizabeth J. Austin, PhD, MPH (Senior Research Scientist in the UW Department of Health Systems and Population Health) will talk about a project in which she and her colleagues characterized primary care team perspectives on approaches, barriers, and facilitators to engaging patients in OUD treatment.
The team conducted semi-structured interviews (n=35) with a national sample of primary care team members involved in OUD care delivery and utilized quantitative survey measures to explore variation across clinic and provider characteristics. They identified multiple strategies to support patient engagement throughout OUD treatment as well as multilevel factors that aid or limit primary care team capacity to engage patients, including lack of administrative supports, missed opportunities for health information technology, and the importance of team collaboration. The last stages of this project involve iterative stakeholder engagement to translate findings into training resources that support primary care teams.